14 Fun and Engaging Team Building Activities for Kids


Kids need to learn to work with others at school, in sports, or in everyday life. But how can we teach them this important skill while making it enjoyable? Well, the answer is through fun activities! Unique games and activities are designed for kids that help them learn to work as a team. These activities are about working together, communicating, solving problems, and understanding others feel. And the best part? They’re incredibly fun! Let’s explore 14 awesome team-building activities for kids.

These activities are perfect for all sorts of occasions, from school to birthday parties to summer camps, and suit all parenting styles. They’re an excellent way for kids to have a good time growing and learning together. 

  1. The human knot
Team Building Activities for Kids: The Human Knot
Team Building Activities for Kids: The Human Knot
Source: ice breaker ideas

The human knot is one of the tremendous team-building activities for kids as it encourages communication and problem-solving. It’s like solving a giant, real-life puzzle!


  1. Have a group of kids stand in a circle, shoulder to shoulder.
  2. Each child extends their right hand and grabs the right hand of someone across from them.
  3. Then, they extend their left hand and grab the left hand of a different person (not the same as in step 2).
  4. The challenge is to untangle the “human knot” without letting go of each other’s hands. They must communicate and strategize to figure out how to unravel without breaking the chain.

This activity encourages kids to communicate, cooperate, and think critically to solve a physical puzzle. It enhances their problem-solving skills and teaches them the importance of working together as a team. Plus, it’s loads of fun!

2. Marshmallow tower

Team Building Activities for Kids: The Marshmallow Tower
Team Building Activities for Kids: The Marshmallow Tower
Source: mad about science

The Marshmallow Tower is one of the kids’ most creative and fun team-building activities. It fosters creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.


  1. Provide each team with a bag of marshmallows and a box of toothpicks.
  2. Challenge them to build the tallest marshmallow tower within a time limit (e.g., 15 minutes).
  3. Set specific rules, like the tower must stand independently without support.

This activity promotes creative thinking, collaboration, and adaptability as teams work together to construct their towers. It encourages kids to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions.

3. Paper plate frisbee

Team Building Activities for Kids: Paper plate frisbee
Team Building Activities for Kids: Paper plate frisbee
Source: make and takes

The Paper Plate Frisbee is among the best options for outdoor team-building activities for kids. It enhances hand-eye coordination and teamwork while providing loads of fun.


  1. Divide kids into pairs or small teams.
  2. Provide each team with two paper plates.
  3. Challenge them to create a frisbee by decorating the plates and throwing them at each other.
  4. The goal is to catch as many throws as possible.

This activity combines creativity, coordination, and collaboration in an enjoyable outdoor game. It helps kids improve their hand-eye coordination and teamwork skills while staying active.

4. Egg drop challenge

Team Building Activities for Kids: Egg Drop Challenge
Team Building Activities for Kids: Egg Drop Challenge
Source: Wikipedia

The Egg Drop Challenge is an exciting team-building activity that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and teamwork.


  1. Give each team a raw egg, various materials (e.g., cardboard, tape, balloons), and a designated height from which to drop their egg (e.g., 10 feet).
  2. Challenge them to create a protective contraption to keep the egg from breaking when it’s dropped.
  3. After building their devices, teams drop their eggs from the designated height.

This activity requires creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork to engineer a prosperous egg protector. It challenges kids to think critically and work collaboratively to achieve a shared goal.

5. Minefield

Team Building Activities for Kids: Minefield
Team Building Activities for Kids: Minefield
Source: sieger group

The Minefield is a trust-building team activity that improves communication.


  1. Set up an obstacle course with objects like cones, chairs, and ropes in a play area.
  2. One child, blindfolded, stands at the start of the course.
  3. Another child, not blindfolded, guides the blindfolded child through the course using only verbal instructions.
  4. The objective is for the blindfolded child to reach the end of the course without stepping on any “mines” (objects).

This activity fosters trust and communication as kids learn to rely on and listen to their partners. It enhances their ability to follow instructions and work as a team.

6. Balloon tower

Team Building Activities for Kids: Balloon tower
Team Building Activities for Kids: Balloon Tower
Source: Pinterest

The Balloon Tower is a creative team-building activity for kids that enhances teamwork and problem-solving.


  1. Provide each team with a bag of balloons and a roll of masking tape.
  2. Challenge them to construct the tallest freestanding balloon tower they can.
  3. The tower must be built using only balloons and tape.

Even though, there are so many learning apps for kids, such practical activities encourage creativity, cooperation, and innovative problem-solving. Kids learn to work together to achieve a common goal and think outside the box.

7. Pass the hula hoop

Team Building Activities for Kids: Pass the hula hoop
Source: Turist Blog

Pass the Hula Hoop is a fun team-building game that promotes teamwork and coordination. 


  1. Have the kids stand in a circle, each holding hands with two different people.
  2. Place a hula hoop around one child’s arm.
  3. The objective is to pass the hula hoop around the circle without letting go of each other’s hands.
  4. Once the hula hoop has made it all the way around, challenge the group to do it in the opposite direction.

This activity requires teamwork, coordination, and communication as kids work together to achieve a common goal. It teaches them to adapt and cooperate effectively.

8. Musical hoops

Team Building Activities for Kids: Musical hoops
Team Building Activities for Kids: Musical hoops
Source: busyballers

Musical Hoops is a fun team-building game that improves teamwork and adaptability.


  1. Lay out hula hoops in a circle, one for each child, with one less hoop than the number of kids.
  2. Play music while the kids walk around the circle.
  3. When the music stops, they must quickly find a hoop to stand in. One child will be left without a hoop.
  4. Remove one hoop and continue the game until only one child remains.

This activity teaches kids to adapt, communicate, and cooperate to find a solution when fewer resources are needed. It encourages quick thinking and teamwork.

9. Blanket flip

Team Building Activities for Kids: Spider Web Challenge
Team Building Activities for Kids: Blanket Flip
Source: sport manitoba

Blanket Flip is a fun team-building activity that enhances teamwork, coordination, and communication.


  1. Have the kids stand around a large blanket, holding its edges.
  2. Place a soft object (like a stuffed animal) in the center of the blanket.
  3. The objective is to flip the object into the air using the blanket and catch it together.

This activity promotes teamwork, coordination, and communication as kids work together to achieve a common goal. It teaches them to cooperate effectively and coordinate their actions.

10. Spider web challenge

Team Building Activities for Kids: Spider Web Challenge
Team Building Activities for Kids: Spider Web Challenge
Source: everlast climbing

The Spider Web Challenge is an exciting team-building activity that enhances teamwork, communication, and trust.


  1. Create a “spider web” using ropes tied between trees or objects, leaving gaps big enough for kids to pass through.
  2. Have one child close their eyes and stand in the center of the web.
  3. The other kids must guide the blindfolded child through the web without touching any ropes.

This activity fosters trust and communication as kids work together to navigate the web safely. It improves their ability to follow instructions and enhances their teamwork skills.

11. Tug of war 

Team Building Activities for Kids: Tug of War
Team Building Activities for Kids: Spider Web Challenge
Source: Ravenox

Tug of War is a classic team-building game that promotes teamwork, strength, and strategy.


  1. Divide kids into two teams.
  2. Each team holds onto one end of a long rope.
  3. The goal is to pull the rope towards their side, trying to get the center marker on their side of the line.

This activity encourages teamwork, strategy, and physical strength. Kids learn to work together to achieve a common goal while having a great time.

12. Build a shelter

Team Building Activities for Kids: Builtd a shelter
Team Building Activities for Kids: Build a shelter
Source: scout life magazine

Build a Shelter is a creative team-building activity that encourages teamwork, problem-solving, and creativity.


  1. Provide each team with materials like cardboard, blankets, and ropes.
  2. Challenge them to build a shelter to protect them from “rain” (use a hose or water balloons) within a time limit.
  3. Teams must work together to construct a functional shelter.

This activity promotes creative thinking, cooperation, and problem-solving. Kids learn to work as a team to accomplish a shared goal and enhance their creative skills.

13. Group Storytelling

Team Building Activities for Kids: Group Storytelling
Team Building Activities for Kids: Group Storytelling
Source: wavebreak media

Group Storytelling is a collaborative team-building activity that enhances creativity, communication, and teamwork.


  1. Gather kids’ chairs in a circle.
  2. Begin a story with a single sentence.
  3. The next child adds another sentence to continue the story.
  4. Continue clockwise until the story concludes.

This activity encourages creativity, communication, and teamwork as kids collaborate to create a unique story together. It improves their storytelling skills and fosters a sense of unity.

14. The trust fall

Team Building Activities for Kids: The Trust Fall
Team Building Activities for Kids: The Trust Fall
Source: Kate Nicholas

The Trust Fall is a classic trust-building activity that promotes trust and cooperation.


  1. Have one child stand with their back to the group.
  2. The other kids form a line behind the child and agree to catch them.
  3. The child standing falls backward, trusting the group to catch them safely.

This activity builds trust and cooperation among kids. It teaches them to rely on their peers and communicate effectively to ensure a safe experience.

Are you ready to enjoy team-building activities for kids? 

These are just a few of the many team-building activities you can explore with kids. These engaging games promote teamwork and teach vital life skills at home, school, or a community event. So, gather the young adventurers, ignite their enthusiasm, and watch them grow into strong, collaborative leaders of tomorrow. Teamwork has never been so much fun!

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